Josef Williamson
"A pin-hole view of the world"

2024.9.14 [Sat] - 10.5 [Sat]

Josef Williamson studied printmaking at Hastings College of Art and Manchester Metropolitan University between 1988 and 1992. After graduating, he made paintings and printed works and exhibited regularly. In 1996, he moved to Japan, settling in Saitama Prefecture. In 2006, he began woodcut printmaking combining techniques of Japanese woodblock print with a European woodcut approach. His first prints were monochrome works depicting views of Tokyo from drawings made while visiting companies in his job as a corporate English trainer. His recent work focusses on colour prints with hard-edged patterns and contrasts drawn from sketches of life outside and inside the studio.

<Artist statement>

My view is narrow

things glimpsed


Towns, gardens, people


geometric symbols

stripes and spots

squares and crosses

discordance with accordance

The power of pattern

found not looked for

but harnessed

for the eye

Exhibition Outline

Josef Williamson "A pin-hole view of the world"

Date: 2024.9.14 [Sat] - 10.5 [Sat]

Opening hours:水ー日 13:00-19:00

Closed on:Monday, Tuesday


Artist Profile

Josef Williamson

ジョーゼフ・ウィリアムソンは、1988 年から 1992 年までイギリスでヘイスティングス美術専門学校とマンチェスター・メトロポリタン大学で版画を学びました。卒業後は展覧会で絵画や版画を定期的に発表。1996 年に日本に移住し、現在は埼玉県に居住しています。 2006 年より日本の木版画の技術とヨーロッパの木版画のアプローチを組み合わせた作品を制作。最初の木版画は、企業英語講師として企業訪問中に描いた絵から東京の景色を描いたモノクロ作品でした。最近はスタジオの外と中の生活のスケッチから描かれたハードエッジのパターンとコントラストを備えたカラープリントに焦点を当てています。
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