Yuji AKatsuka
"Unexpected Locus"
2024.10.12 [Sat] - 11.3 [Sun]

We are pleased to present a solo exhibition by contemporary artist and Musashino Art University professor Yuji Akatsuka. This will be his second exhibition at Tirnanog, following his solo exhibition Cage and Canary - Elusive chirping entities in 2017.
Unexpected Locus
As I proceed with the painting of a piece, there are times when a sense of expansiveness appears on the canvas, different from when I was hurrying to complete the piece, as if I had stumbled upon a vacant lot that I hadn't noticed before. I have heard that in Edo it was customary for people on the road to rest at any teahouse they came upon. In the same way, I take a break in that expanse. I try to go on, but instead of returning to the path I'd come on, I find myself walking down a different path. At such times, I feel excited, thinking that a new idea is in sight.
At the outset, a work is like a walk: I think I can go wherever I want, and I don't have a fixed destination in mind. However, the trick from that point on is to walk as if I don't know what lies ahead, and instead of colliding with the canvas and painting with momentum as I did at the beginning, I close the distance, like taking a breath each step of the way. That moment will reveal whether the work will become something or not. The process doesn't always go the way I want it to, but it is captivating.
Exhibition Outline
Yuji AKatsuka "Unexpected Locus"
Date: 2024.10.12 [Sat] - 11.3 [Sun]
Opening hours:Wed-Sun 13:00-19:00
Closed on:Monday, Tuesday